Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Topic 1 - Teaching and Learning


This topic is all about the teacher librarian and teaching and learning. There are some things that have been covered in this topic that, as I read/listened to them, I had a flashback to ACU roughly 20 years ago!

One question asked by James Herring in his podcast was what the learning context of your school was. I would have to say that, for the most part, HS is constructivist. Having said that, there are some teachers there that pride themselves on how technologically savvy they are - only to use IWBs as regular whiteboards would be used ie to copy down information. BLOOMS is used in many classrooms in many different ways. Some of the Stage 2/3 classes seem to favour deBono with the coloured thinking hats prominently displayed in their rooms. I have never incorporated deBono myself, but that is purely because I am familiar with BLOOMS. The main point is that all stages in our school embrace HOTS and incorporate it into their classrooms.

Currently in Year 1 we are using BLOOMS in our shared reading unit for The Paperbag Princess. This is a fantastic unit of work where the children are not only encouraged, but expected to engage in HOTS throughout the term.

The question of how TLs can help develop better teachers was fantastic. I question though how many teachers would agree????? Many seem to see the role of the TL as predominently librarian and information/resource management, rather than teacher. I know that this is an area which TLs need to address in order for the profession to continue.

I particularly liked a comment by Bronwyn Sanderman (Topic 1 Reflection) posted on the forums:

'While we have a job to help locate resources, we also have a job to educate and help others how to do it themselves'

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Topic 1 is about Blooms. This is something I have used a lot in the classroom. At the moment we are doing a great shared reading unit for The Paper Bag Princess which is based around Blooms.

I really love the top image in this post. It demonstrates which Web 2.0 tools can be used in conjunction with Blooms and where they fit in.

I was interested to read in the intoduction of this topic that 'the web has generally enhanced the role of the TL'. I do not disagree with it and it was heartening to read this after a recent staffroom discussion. In this discussion I was talking about how I was going to be using all my long service leave in study/assignments while I try to complete this course. Another member of staff (who had been bragging about all the international destinations she was travelling to whilst on LSL!!!) wondered aloud why I was putting myself through all the stress of study when principals were looking to move their IT coordinators into TL roles. This absolutely floored me. Surely this is not where th esystem is headed??!! I am really enjoying the learning, but it is coming at a cost - less quality time with the children when assignments are due, using ALL my LSL so that I can try to keep a ballance between study and home life when assignments are due. I know that the powers that be are looking into TLs and hope that some type of mandate is handed down re TL qualifications.