Saturday, June 19, 2010

Assignment 2 results

Results are in and once again I got just over 50% of the total marks. At least I'm consistent!

What am I doing wrong? Easy - both markers said that I was describing and explaining rather than cricially analysing and synthesising. The difficulty here is that I have no idea HOW to do this!!!!!

I have been into the CSU learning skills forum and there are a few links there by Stewart McKinney which might be helpful. This is an area I need to master. I feel that I am learning so much about teacher librarians, but this is not evident in my marks. If only there was a Bachelor course - I know that I am not really 'masters' material, but there isn't a choice.

I know where my weakness is, I now just need to try to develop this. Am happy to keep passing and am not aiming for HD or D, but would like to see my marks go just a little higher so that I won't have to worry about getting scaled DOWN in the final grade and then failing.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on passing. Just keep in mind that you don't get paid any more for a HD.
    Yes you do need to get a handle on analysing critically because you will need it in ETL504 and ETL501.
